Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Case study on rural development project in SA review

In the case study, people from a local building company came to Simunye in South Africa to help the people living there to build homes. They taught them how to make their own bricks by giving them a device that molds bricks out of natural items found near the settlement. This is done using weight, force and passion to make it. By giving them this device, they can not only build their own houses, but this also provides them with the means to sustain the settlement.
When the video started, the people living in the settlement were suffering and with little access to water that heats up from the harsh sun, they had lost hope.
But in December 2006, hope arrived. A local building company came and taught the people how to make bricks, use them to build houses for themselves and how to sustain their settlement.
With help like this, they will not only live and prosper, but also teach other rural areas about building and sustaining settlements.
All in all, it is a great video about people suffering and how bringing them the means to go on, it introduces hope, courage and pride.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

HSS Activity on Development

1.       Development is improving and enhancing a skill through practice and preparation.

2.1. Economy

2.2. Infrastructure

2.3. Globalisation

2.4. Science and Technology

2.5. Health

3. Developed Countries
Less-Developed Countries
·         Strong economy
·         Weak economy
·         Access to healthcare
·         Not many hospitals and poor living conditions
·         Advanced science and technology departments
·         Less advanced science and technology departments


4.       LEDC: Less Economically Developed Countries

MEDC: More Economically Developed Countries

5.       It shows whether a countries population has a long and healthy life, education index and a decent standard of living.

6.1. Yes

6.2. As the HDI of a country consists of a long and healthy life analysis, it would make sense if countries with a low HDI would have the earliest deaths.

6.3.1. The countries population has a short and un-healthy life.

6.3.2. The education index is low.

6.3.3. The countries standard of living is poor.

6.4. The farmers only support their family and in poor conditions.

6.5. Decent living conditions.

7. Maintaining the countries rate of development and staying strong in the HDI standings.

8. UN 8 Millennium Goals:

Thursday, 19 January 2012